
Johnny jump up
Johnny jump up

johnny jump up

Once the seedlings have grown accustomed to full days outdoors, you can plant them permanently into the garden or into their outdoor pots.Make sure the soil stays moist during this hardening off period. Start with one to two hours of sunlight, and gradually increase their exposure. When temperatures and weather permit transplanting outdoors, begin to harden off the seedlings by giving them increasingly long visits outdoors over a period of 10 to 14 days.You can also begin feeding your seedlings with any good balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. At this point, a temperature of 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit is fine. When the first true leaves appear, you must thin the pot or cell to the strongest-looking seeding by pinching or cutting the others at the soil line.Once the seeds sprout, move them to a sunny window or place them under plant lights. Seeds should begin to germinate in 10 to 14 days. On top of the refrigerator is a good spot. Set in a warm (65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) location, and keep moist.Violas need darkness to germinate, so cover the seeds completely. Sprinkle two to three seeds in each cell or pot, and cover lightly with the more moistened potting mix. Fill small pots or flats with sterile potting mix to about 1/4 inch below the top edge.These are spreading perennials with 1 1/2-inch two-toned flowers above a rosette of leaves growing 6 to 10 inches tall. Viola cornuta: Known as the tufted or horned violet, it resembles the pansy but with a smaller flower.Viola sororia: Widely known as the wild blue violet, it is native to wooded areas and often finds its way to cultivated gardens and turf lawns where it is usually regarded as a weed-unless deliberately encouraged in native woodland gardens.

johnny jump up

In the garden, it is often used as an edging plant or as a filler.

johnny jump up

Some hybrid pansies will revert to Johnny-jump-ups as the dropped seeds sprout up as volunteer seedlings. Viola tricolor: More commonly known as Johnny-jump-up, this is a small plant that is one of the genetic parents of pansies.This is the most popular of the violas, with dozens of different cultivars available. Plants grow about 8 inches tall and have 2- to 3-inch flowers that can be single-colored or patterned. But it's usually grown as an annual in colder climates. Viola x wittrockiana: Also known as the familiar garden pansy, this hybrid is a short-lived perennial or biennial with larger flowers.The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board.In cold areas plants readily reseed the following year. Picking faded blooms will promote more bloom. Keep soil moist and feed with plant food once during the summer. Cultivate the soil, enrich with plant food and organic matter and transplant seedlings outdoors after the soil as been prepared and has warmed, violas will withstand a light frost. As soon as the seedlings have 3 to 4 true leaves, transplant 2 or 3 seedlings in individual 2 inch plastic pots and grow in full sun where it is cool at night, 50 to 55 degrees F, until the garden is ready. When seedlings show their first green leaves water with a liquid solution of plant food and repeat every two weeks. Remove plastic as soon as the seedlings start to sprout. Cover container with black plastic to provide darkness and reduce evaporation, keep soil moist. Fill a container that has drainage holes with a sterilized potting soil, sprinkle seed on soil surface, seed must be completely covered, it requires darkness to germinate, water well for good seed-soil contact. For early bloom the first summer, start seed indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost. In Alaska it is recommended that this easy to grow perennial be planted directly in the garden as soon as the soil can be prepared and has warmed in the spring. There are over 500 species in the Viola genus, including annuals, perennials, and even subshrubs. Violas like full sun but will tolerate some light shade, prefer a rich, moist soil and grow well in cool weather. Spacing between plants in the garden, 6 to 9 inches. Cover with 1/8 inch fine soil, seed likes darkness to germinate. Seeds germinate in approximately 10 to 20 days with an optimum soil temperature of 65 degrees F. A perennial that will bloom the first season and lives and flowers for multiple seasons thereafter.

Johnny jump up